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What is a Living algorithm?

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Living Algorithm is a system that lays out our very individual, energetic DNA in a kind of blueprint. Working with the system serves as a tool for self-awareness, to show us what we can bring and where our talents and potential lie. But it is also about learning how we can shape living together with others in such a way that we can all live as authentically and fulfilling as possible.
Living Algorithm is a system that lays out our very individual, energetic DNA in a kind of blueprint. Working with the system serves as a tool for self-awareness, to show us what we can bring and where our talents and potential lie. But it is also about learning how we can shape living together with others in such a way that we can all live as authentically and fulfilling as possible.
T.B.A (To Be Able) is a period of human life that the kids need to be able to live with family or environmental support. Living is divided into several parts services, effects, and DNA transfer, during human living they do different activities like study, work, sport, relaxation, business, and…
The important factors in the living algorithm are nationality, residence, economy, family, gender, time, disability, government, religion, and culture.
Comparing the personal dream and system dream by the happiness, stress, and security graph will be present in the living algorithm after analysis.

The living algorithm assumes that we experience numerous conditions throughout our lives.

These can certainly be the values ​​of the parents, influences from friendships and romantic relationships, but also conditioning from the capitalist system, which is characterized by internalized racism, sexism, and pressure to perform.

All of these conditionings shape us in certain ways. This is where human design comes into play. It helps us to recognize that we are all individually designed: what is our true core? How do we tick? What kind of life suits us? Or also, Where are we particularly easy to influence from the outside?

Human Longevity

Human longevity refers to the potential length of a person’s life, typically measured in terms of life expectancy or the maximum lifespan that humans can achieve. Life expectancy is the average number of years a person can expect to live, based on various demographic factors, health conditions, and other variables. Maximum lifespan, on the other hand, represents the age at which the oldest individuals in a population can survive.

Several factors influence human longevity, including:

  1. Genetics: The role of genetics in determining lifespan is significant. Some people may inherit genetic factors that contribute to a longer life, while others may inherit factors associated with a shorter life.
  2. Lifestyle: Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have a substantial impact on longevity. Healthy lifestyle choices are often associated with longer life expectancy.
  3. Healthcare: Access to quality healthcare, preventive measures, and medical advancements can influence how long people live. Improved healthcare can address and manage diseases, contributing to increased life expectancy.
  4. Environmental Factors: The environment in which individuals live can impact their longevity. Factors such as air and water quality, exposure to pollutants, and access to nutritious food can influence overall health and lifespan.
  5. Socioeconomic Status: Socioeconomic factors, including education, income, and social support, can play a role in determining how long individuals live. Higher socioeconomic status is often associated with better access to healthcare and healthier living conditions.
  6. Cultural and Behavioral Factors: Cultural practices and behavioral norms within a society can also affect longevity. This includes attitudes towards health, family structure, and community support.

Research in the field of gerontology and related disciplines aims to understand the mechanisms of aging, identify factors that contribute to longevity, and develop strategies to promote healthy aging. Advances in medical science, public health, and lifestyle awareness continue to contribute to increases in human life expectancy in many parts of the world.

Human life Quality

Human life quality, often referred to as quality of life, is a multidimensional concept that encompasses various aspects of an individual’s well-being and satisfaction with life. It goes beyond mere survival and includes subjective and objective factors that contribute to an individual’s overall experience and fulfillment. Quality of life is subjective and can vary widely among individuals based on their personal circumstances, values, and priorities. Here are some key dimensions that are commonly considered when evaluating human life quality:

  1. Health: Physical and mental health are fundamental components of life quality. Access to healthcare, overall well-being, and the absence of serious illnesses contribute to a higher quality of life.
  2. Standard of Living: This includes factors such as income, housing, employment, and access to basic necessities. A higher standard of living generally correlates with a better quality of life.
  3. Education: Access to education and the opportunity for intellectual and personal development are crucial for a good quality of life. Education can enhance employment prospects, critical thinking skills, and overall life satisfaction.
  4. Social and Family Life: Healthy relationships, social connections, and a supportive family environment contribute significantly to life quality. Strong social ties can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.
  5. Environmental Quality: The quality of the environment in which a person lives, including factors such as air and water quality, safety, and access to green spaces, can impact overall well-being.
  6. Personal Fulfillment: This involves the pursuit and achievement of personal goals, a sense of purpose, and the ability to engage in activities that bring joy and satisfaction.
  7. Safety and Security: Living in a safe and secure environment, free from crime and conflict, is essential for a good quality of life.
  8. Cultural and Recreational Opportunities: Access to cultural activities, recreational opportunities, and the ability to participate in leisure activities contribute to a well-rounded and fulfilling life.
  9. Freedom and Human Rights: The presence of political freedoms, human rights protections, and the ability to express oneself without fear of persecution are integral to a high quality of life.

Assessing and improving quality of life is a complex and dynamic process. It involves considering individual and societal values, as well as addressing disparities and inequalities that may impact different groups of people. Policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing quality of life often focus on improving healthcare, education, economic opportunities, social support systems, and environmental sustainability.

Human Design was invented by Canadian Robert Allen Krakower aka Ra Uru Hu. The system is very complex and partly goes back to concepts that are thousands of years old, such as the Chinese I-Ching, the Kabbalah from the Jewish tradition, the Indian chakra theory and astrology. It also includes aspects of quantum physics and genetics.

How did the system come about?

Human Design was invented by Canadian Robert Allen Krakower aka Ra Uru Hu. The system is very complex and partly goes back to concepts that are thousands of years old, such as the Chinese I-Ching, the Kabbalah from the Jewish tradition, the Indian chakra theory and astrology. It also includes aspects of quantum physics and genetics.

How do I find out about my personal human design?

Your personal human design is shown in the so-called body graph, also known as the rave chart . In order to create this, you need, similar to the birth chart, your date and place of birth as well as the time of birth, which is as accurate as possible to the minute. It can be created online at Jovianarchive.com or mybodygraph.com , for example .

The body graph looks very complex and confusing at first glance. Let’s take a look at the different parts:

The body graph at a glance

Unlike in astrology, not only the time of birth is assumed, but also the exact time three months before the birth is included. The part shown in black in the graph is the time of birth and represents the conscious mind part. The unconscious part is calculated three months before birth, is shown in red and describes the body part.

There are nine centers based on the chakra system : head center, ajna center, throat center, G center, heart center, emotional center, spleen center, sacral center and the root center. Each of these can be defined or open.

Defined centers are shown in color on the body graph and are connected to at least one other center. Our defined centers are those where we have constant energy available and are less open to outside influences. That means we are in the core and we are more or less aware of it.

White centers are undefined or open and are not connected to other centers. Here we are particularly open to the influence of others. If there is a person close to us who has a defined center where we are undefined or open, we can perceive their energy there more intensely.

Tip: Go on a big chakra journey with us: With our interactive e-book you can check your chakras and get (back) into the flow!

Spread over the centers are 64 gates that describe our qualities. They are connected by 36 channels. Each represents a property. All of these components are built into us, but only some of them are activated, shown in color in the graph . If the channels are not connected to others, we are more easily influenced there by external conditioning. But it can also mean that we’re particularly attracted to the people who have those parts that we lack and would complete the channel.

The eleven most important planets as well as the north and south nodes can be seen on the right and left sides of the bodygraph . The numbers indicate which gate was activated at that time.

Five human design types can be derived.

The five guys

  • Manifestors: Manifestors have a closed aura. You are here to initiate, to start something out of yourself. They make up about 8% of humanity.
  • Generators: Only Generators and Manifesting Generators have a defined sacral center – that’s about 70% of the population. This gives them constant creative life energy to do what really inspires them. Her aura is open and attractive.
  • Manifesting Generators: They are a hybrid of Generators and Manifestors
  • Projectors : The aura of the projectors is penetrating. You can recognize connections on deep levels and thus show previously unnoticed possibilities. They make up about 20% of the population.
  • Reflectors: In the case of reflectors, all centers are undefined or open. Their aura reflects and amplifies, making them like a mirror to others in which we see ourselves. Around 1% of the population are reflectors.

All types are assigned tasks that suit them and are therefore easy; they may be conditioned to do other things but may need to expend energy on them. They work against themselves and can slide into burnout or other mental and physical illnesses in the long term.

Knowing what type you are can give you direction. It can show you what role and task you have in your life, what life strategy suits you and what happens to you internally when you pursue strategies other than the one intended for you. Because according to Human Design, not everyone is created for the same tasks in life. No type is better than the other, they all need each other and complement each other. In an ideal world, all guys can do whatever really suits them.

The system is extremely comprehensive.

The Human Design System not only shows you fixed aspects of your personality, but also the flexible systems that allow you to change.

Think of the information as a map : you can learn to read your own map and follow the path that will get you in touch with your true core. This map can also show you how to recognize and promote your life issues, strengths and opportunities. It shows you who you are not and helps you to distinguish one from the other. Body graphics reveal how we perceive things, how we motivate ourselves, how we communicate , our ideal environment, the theme of our incarnation, even how best to eat and absorb information.

We can read our own authority, which describes how best to make the decisions that are right for us. In human design, decisions are made on an energetic level in the body. We can experiment with it and make decisions differently than we are used to and than may be predetermined from the outside.

Above all, human design is about how we influence each other, how we can live and work together.

All forms of human (and even animal) relationships can be examined more closely through this system: partnership, family or that of teams in a business context.

Our bodygraphs are not only constantly influenced by the transits of planets, but above all by the bodygraphs of the living beings around us. They connect with each other and that can, and should, trigger different dynamics. Because we are there to complement each other.

With this knowledge, we can learn to respect the uniqueness of the other person, not to force changes on them or to have exaggerated expectations that only correspond to our own ideals or those of society.

Unlike in astrology, not only the time of birth is assumed, but also the exact time three months before the birth is included. The part shown in black in the graph is the time of birth and represents the conscious mind part. The unconscious part is calculated three months before birth, is shown in red and describes the body part.

There are nine centers based on the chakra system : head center, ajna center, throat center, G center, heart center, emotional center, spleen center, sacral center and the root center. Each of these can be defined or open.

Defined centers are shown in color on the body graph and are connected to at least one other center. Our defined centers are those where we have constant energy available and are less open to outside influences. That means we are in the core and we are more or less aware of it.

White centers are undefined or open and are not connected to other centers. Here we are particularly open to the influence of others. If there is a person close to us who has a defined center where we are undefined or open, we can perceive their energy there more intensely.

Tip: Go on a big chakra journey with us: With our interactive e-book you can check your chakras and get (back) into the flow!

Spread over the centers are 64 gates that describe our qualities. They are connected by 36 channels. Each represents a property. All of these components are built into us, but only some of them are activated, shown in color in the graph . If the channels are not connected to others, we are more easily influenced there by external conditioning. But it can also mean that we’re particularly attracted to the people who have those parts that we lack and would complete the channel.

The eleven most important planets as well as the north and south nodes can be seen on the right and left sides of the bodygraph . The numbers indicate which gate was activated at that time.

Five human design types can be derived.

The five guys

  • Manifestors: Manifestors have a closed aura. You are here to initiate, to start something out of yourself. They make up about 8% of humanity.
  • Generators: Only Generators and Manifesting Generators have a defined sacral center – that’s about 70% of the population. This gives them constant creative life energy to do what really inspires them. Her aura is open and attractive.
  • Manifesting Generators: They are a hybrid of Generators and Manifestors
  • Projectors : The aura of the projectors is penetrating. You can recognize connections on deep levels and thus show previously unnoticed possibilities. They make up about 20% of the population.
  • Reflectors: In the case of reflectors, all centers are undefined or open. Their aura reflects and amplifies, making them like a mirror to others in which we see ourselves. Around 1% of the population are reflectors.

All types are assigned tasks that suit them and are therefore easy; they may be conditioned to do other things but may need to expend energy on them. They work against themselves and can slide into burnout or other mental and physical illnesses in the long term.

Knowing what type you are can give you direction. It can show you what role and task you have in your life, what life strategy suits you and what happens to you internally when you pursue strategies other than the one intended for you. Because according to Human Design, not everyone is created for the same tasks in life. No type is better than the other, they all need each other and complement each other. In an ideal world, all guys can do whatever really suits them.

The system is extremely comprehensive.

The Human Design System not only shows you fixed aspects of your personality, but also the flexible systems that allow you to change.

Think of the information as a map : you can learn to read your own map and follow the path that will get you in touch with your true core. This map can also show you how to recognize and promote your life issues, strengths and opportunities. It shows you who you are not and helps you to distinguish one from the other. Body graphics reveal how we perceive things, how we motivate ourselves, how we communicate , our ideal environment, the theme of our incarnation, even how best to eat and absorb information.

We can read our own authority, which describes how best to make the decisions that are right for us. In human design, decisions are made on an energetic level in the body. We can experiment with it and make decisions differently than we are used to and than may be predetermined from the outside.

Above all, human design is about how we influence each other, how we can live and work together.

All forms of human (and even animal) relationships can be examined more closely through this system: partnership, family or that of teams in a business context.

Our bodygraphs are not only constantly influenced by the transits of planets, but above all by the bodygraphs of the living beings around us. They connect with each other and that can, and should, trigger different dynamics. Because we are there to complement each other.

With this knowledge, we can learn to respect the uniqueness of the other person, not to force changes on them or to have exaggerated expectations that only correspond to our own ideals or those of society.

How does an analysis work?

In order to really examine your body graphics comprehensively, it is worth doing a Human Design Reading . Your reader not only creates your graphics for you, but also lays them out for you.

Usually one actually recognizes oneself in the readings and understands that there is a specific name for the personal context; a kind of permission to be the way you are. A feeling for the right being preceded this realization, but external influences and ingrained patterns have kept you from it so far. And this has not only happened through our personal conditioning over the course of our lives, but also in society as a whole: we feel when we are being pushed into forms that actually do not suit us. Many readers also offer deconditioning sessions, in which you can look together at where the conditioning can come from and what you need to free yourself from external influences and find closer to what makes you core and is good for you.

What does Human Design bring me?

In order to really examine your body graphics comprehensively, it is worth doing a Human Design Reading . Your reader not only creates your graphics for you but also lays them out for you.

Human design is a practice of self-knowledge and self-acceptance, as it shows us that there is no point in comparing ourselves to other people. We are all designed differently and made for different tasks.

We are good and enough as we are. In human design, nobody is considered broken or bad.

Even all our conditioning has a reason. What prevents us from knowing and experiencing ourselves can be solved. According to human design principles, we humans are not made to fight alone, but to work together, not only acknowledging our differences but giving them the importance they deserve.

Let’s imagine this mutual respect and appreciation lived in all of our relationships, family systems and also in companies. Human design can be a beginning – each of us can start with ourselves.

The Human Design System is a logical system that provides a practical tool for self-discovery and correct decision-making.

How your life unfolds depends on the decisions you make. Each decision is critical, taking you along a particular trajectory, ultimately making up the sum total of your life. A right decision keeps you aligned to your path in life.

But how do you make a decision? Through reasoning, working out the pros and cons, and ultimately arriving at a well-reasoned guess? Mental reasoning is an ineffective and unreliable decision-making process that more often than not leads to resistance and regrettable choices. This knowledge reveals the most natural way for you, helping you build a foundation for a life without resistance in which decisions can be made with certainty.

Your BodyGraph (Chart) reveals simple techniques for correct decision-making and is also a concrete map that offers a logical way of seeing your unique and individual nature—an extremely accurate tool for self-knowledge.

myBodyGraph is your user manual. Create your account and explore the free material tailored specifically to your design.