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About us

We help you make better life decisions with insights from real data. Our platform uses information from past experiences and major events to guide you on choices like career, education, and more. Discover a future shaped by informed decisions.

“Master Mind” is a group committed to advancing Human Data Science for the betterment of human life. We provide timely, credible, and fact-based insights into human abilities and the impact of political systems on quality of life. Our multidisciplinary approach integrates human sciences and data science, empowering us to address pressing issues like healthcare, human needs, job security, and mental health. We collaborate with governments and citizens to establish evidence-based international standards and find solutions to societal challenges. Through holistic analysis, we strive to contribute to a brighter future by bridging data and human understanding.
We all have felt lost and alone, existing in a dreary world that shows little promise of providing us with any type of lasting peace and happiness. Feeling lost, we often seek isolation away from others by withdrawing inside of our minds. Our mind is ours to control. it is our kingdom, surrounded by high walls and secure gates. Our kingdom is governed by its own crowned rule, a powerful dictator of one. It is a city of refuge and peace where no person or thought is allowed inside its gates unless the king or queen permits entrance.
When a threat to our security (or better, our individuality) arises from without the walls of our kingdom, we shut and fortify the gates to ensure that the ruler within reigns supreme and gives up no power to the other kings and queens of the earth. Yet being alone in our kingdom does not satisfy us; nor does it bring us a fullness of joy and contentment. We often sit alone in our royal position of power, wondering what the purpose is of being the ruler of a kingdom of one. We have a distressing desire to share our kingdom with others, even though we are not even sure why. Other kings and queens living outside of our walls in their own kingdoms threaten to wage war against us. Many of them do not respect our kingdom but instead want to make us a part of theirs so that they are not alone. These kings and queens are called parents, teachers, leaders, friends, and peers. The harder they try to get us to become part of their kingdom, the more we fortify the walls protecting our own. The more they pound on the gates to gain entrance, the tighter we hold them shut. Once in a while, however, we come in contact with another king or queen who does not want to wage war against us and make us a part of his or her kingdom. These “few” want to open up their gates so that we can visit them from time to time and enjoy their kingdom with them as they in return enjoy ours. When not faced with the threat of “war,” we become more inclined to open up our gates and allow others to enter our kingdom and enjoy it with us. And when we have enjoyed each other, we both return to our kingdom in peace and with a sense of fulfillment that we have found a true friend. Nevertheless, here we sit in our kingdoms, isolated away from each other and afraid to open the gates. The problem is, we realize that we are alone; and we do not even know why we are alone, or how we got here. In solitude, we ponder many universal questions about our existence— questions that have not been answered either within or without the high walls of our kingdom. Many have approached the gates of our city and knocked, wanting to share their truths with us. Their truths, however, have only led to more questions, and have done little to convince us that their answers are any better than our own.
They cannot satisfy our longing to know: Why am I here upon this insignificant planet spinning around in space? How did this planet get here? Is there a purpose for my existence? If so, what is it?  Is death the end of this existence? If death is the end, then shouldn’t I be taking advantage of life? Is this lifetime the only chance I get to experience consciousness? What creates consciousness? Why do I randomly and effortlessly dream when I am not conscious? Why do humans appear more aware of themselves than other animals?  If we evolved from animals that once were not aware of themselves, then why aren’t other animals becoming more like human beings and evolving to become increasingly aware of themselves? Do animals ponder and question their existence as humans do? If animals do not question their existence, then why not? Is there a higher, more intelligent power than that of the human being? How can human beings have the capacity for such great love and compassion and yet, at the same time, create such misery for each other? Will the human race become extinct? Is the life-giving sun burning out and will our planet eventually die? What is the Universe? Where did all of the stars come from, and more importantly, what are they? Was our earth’s creation just a naturally occurring “accident”? Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe? Why do children seem happier than adults? Is there such a thing as a soul and do I have one? Why is peace and happiness so temporary and elusive? Why is life such a struggle? Did we ask to be born into existence? What exactly is consciousness?