Your brain is two brains. Two hemispheres each doing half the work of being you. Half your vision goes to each and half your movement is directed by each. Right controls left and left controls right. Your two brains coordinate through a wire of nerves, but this wire can be cut, and was, for a time, used as an epilepsy treatment. After the cut, people seemed the same, though their brain was split in twain. Except, some post-split patients described that while selecting their morning outfit with their right hand, the left might come along to disagree. Actually, the left hand might quite often disagree, which these split-brain patients found frustrating. What’s happening? To investigate, remember, the right brain sees and controls one half, while the left brain controls and sees the other. But only the left brain can speak. Because that’s where the speech center is located. The right brain, without this, is mute. In normal brains, this doesn’t matter because each half communicates across the wire with the other. But, split brains can’t, and thus, you can show just the right brain a word, ask the person: “What did you see?” and you’ll hear: “Nothing.” Because the left speaking brain saw nothing. Meanwhile, the right brain will use its hand to pick the object out of a pile hidden from the left brain. Ask “Why are you holding the object?” and speaking left brain will make up a plausible-sounding, but totally wrong, reason. The left brain isn’t lying; it’s just doing what brains do: creating a story that explains its past actions to its current self, a behavior which does rather cast doubt Creating reasons for why it does things is just something left brains do. It happens in normal, healthy humans all the time, and if you think about it closely, you know you’ve done this. Back to experiments. Give the right brain an object, ask the person “What’s in your hand?” and they won’t be able to say. And, when asked to draw, a split-brain can draw two separate objects simultaneously, with each hand, in a way unplait-brains find challenging. These experiments on split-brain patients are deeply unsettling because they really point in the direction of a mute separate… intelligence… Something… Living in the skull. You can even ask questions of a split brain and get disagreement on the answer.
So, if your brain is split, who is the ‘you’ in this situation?
From the outside, it’s tempting to think of the part of the brain that’s speaking as the person, but something is hearing and answering questions. And, though the right brain can’t speak, it does understand faces, which the left brain can’t. If this is you, you don’t know who your friends and family are in a crowd. This act of cutting exposes two minds in one head, and the talking mind doesn’t know there’s someone else in the house. The left brain can describe the situation it’s in, but nonetheless will constantly be surprised by the right brain’s actions and explain them away.
There’s a question to be asked here: Why, after separation, does the right brain not totally freak out, but instead play along helpfully, answering questions, and listening to the left brain’s dumb stories about what’s happening? It’s the best pony… I don’t know. – Speculation time… But, one answer is that cutting doesn’t make the right brain a separate… intelligence… consciousness… person? but rather it has always been. In normal people, perhaps the right brain rose up as a companion without a choice. Feeling at first somewhat equal partners, but then, as speech develops that it can’t participate in, that increasingly becomes the central point of life, it resigns to mutely coordinate with the left brain. At this moment, in your normal head, there are two of you watching this video: one having a ‘mind = blown’ moment, and the other mentally rolling its eye at the obviousness of it all. In split brains, right doesn’t freak out because not a whole lot has really changed. You might not agree, and maybe arguing right now about why it can’t be possible, exactly as we would expect talking left brain to do. Speculation aside, split-brain patients show, at the very least, that in the mind, there is a separate… something that can hear and understand and respond, given the right circumstances. Your brain isn’t entirely yours. Who are you? You are two.
what is an idea? What is a thought? What is going on in your mind?
So, what is that kind of thinking? Well, everything you see here is just the surface of what is going on in your mind when you think. Most of the things run subconsciously, which makes it damn hard to investigate but even more interesting. So, let’s zoom into the brain to check out what is going on when we think. Many people think the brain is something like a supercomputer, like the ultimate calculating engine. It is supposed to be extremely fast, super connected, and highly accurate. When you have something on your mind, like right now hopefully, a picture, or an image, or something like that, you can see very sharp and precise and switch very easily, much faster than a computer, right? Because what can you do with this one? This one’s at least stylish, it has appeal on your desktop, but that’s it, right?
Brain vs computer
Well, look at this again and you see it’s totally the other way around. A computer you can put on your desktop easily calculates 3.4 billion times a second. Brain cells are much slower and only do 500 operations at maximum speed. Computer doesn’t make any mistakes A rough estimation is one error in a trillion operations, and brains, you probably know this from your personal life, are much more error-prone, and make mistakes a billion times as often. In computers, you can plug into the internet, and you’re connected with the world contrary to the brain. Because the brain is 99 percent self-oriented, most nerve fibers never get outside of your skull, and most of the brain cells never see what’s going on in reality. So, from this perspective, you have to say “Okay the brain is everything but perfect.
It is lame, it is lousy, and it is selfish, and it still works.”
your brain cells are really that slow, you can only do like 20, 30, maybe 40 operations within that split second. Computer software needs many more steps, thousands, even millions of steps to come to the same result. Computers break down. Brains do not break down. Brain cells are dumb on their own, and cannot do anything much. But if you have a lot of them, you end up with something we call an activity pattern, an activity state of that specific neuronal network. And this activity pattern is what we call thought. The big difference to a computer. The brain does not distinguish between processing and output because processing the information is the thought itself.
So, a thought is not located anywhere.
Thought is how the brain cells interact,
and how they process the information.
we understand. Deep learning is great, but deep understanding is better. Because when you learn something, you can unlearn it, but once you understood it, you cannot de-understand it again because understanding means that you change the way you process information, and since processing and output are one and the same in our brain, we understand very fast on the spot. We know from lab studies, that children are able to understand the meaning of new stuff – of toys, of words, of animals – at first sight. That’s amazing, and you do this as well.
try to see things from the other side. Don’t think like an algorithm. Now try to challenge your opinions and ideas instead of confirming them. Try to break the thinking rules instead of following them. So, what is the next great idea that is worth spreading? We don’t know yet.
But we can be pretty sure that it will be created by brains. Not because we are smarter, faster, or more intelligent than computers. But the opposite. We are slower, we’re irrational and imperfect. That’s why we understand the world instead of analyzing it, and this is giving us the ultimate edge. We should appreciate, and be more proud of this because this is what makes us human.
neuron cell is an electrically excitable cell
A single neuron in an adult brain has more than one thousand mutations in its genetic code that is not present in the cells surrounding it.