19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA
Time… makes sense in small pieces. But when you look at huge stretches of time, it’s almost impossible to wrap your head around things.
13.75 Billion years ago
The universe was born.
4.5 Billion years ago
The sun was born from a gigantic imploding gas cloud and then 60 million years later earth was born.
4.1 Billion years ago
Life began with single-cell organisms.
600 Million years ago
Animal life started, fish insects, reptiles, and mammals.
65 million years ago
Dinosaurs ended in an enormous explosion.
2 million years ago
The fire was controlled and tools are created by humans kind.
200.000 Years ago
200.000 years ago modern humans evolved.
50.000 Years ago
50.000 we shared the earth with at least five other species that either died.
7,000 years ago
Humans began writing things down.
Rise of civilization.
2000 years ago
Roman Empire at its peak.
The first pyramid gets built.
still living mammoths on earth.
15th centry
Columbus discovers America.
The fall of Constantino.
The war was all the rage in the middle ages.
Disease black plague killed every third European.
Newton's theory of Gravity.
Discovred distant stars.
Very close bacteria.
250 years ago
Industrial revolution.
Farmer became workers.
Knowledge became easier to distribute.
Started progress on climate change.
Drawinisn, mendelian Inheritance.

World War I & II.
Cold war.
Nuclear weapons.
Moon landing.
Internet populate.
Attacks on 11.09.
War in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Syrian civil war.
Last 24h
Mostly sleeping, Working, Internet.
1 Billion years later
Sun will be so hot.
Life on earth will be impossible.
4 Billion years later
Sun death.
End of life in Solar system.
100 billion years later
Most of the biggest stars will die.
Univers will be dimmer and dimmer, illuminated only by smaller red and white dwarfs.
One day
The last star of the universe will die and the universe turn dark.
Black holes will evaporate and die.
Final stage heat will death.
Nothing changes anymore the universe is dead forever.