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where the system is going?
system analysis
Engineer system is an entity that is created deliberately by design by combining components to perform certain functions and they have certain capabilities all along the way because if you build something to perform certain functions there will be certain environments where it will have to do its work and so forth and so you will have to build in capabilities also.
systems are causally integrated collections of things.
A system is a material entity it’s made of molecules and these material entities are connected in ways that we will explore…
The realization of entities turns out a key to understanding systems. Organisms like you and me do not have functions. we have a lot of capabilities but we do not have a function because we were not designed to be an engineer or to be a father or to be an American. There is no one thing that we are here for.
capability is a beneficial their dispositions and function is a capability which is the reason for the existence if it is the bearer
The system has positive views like controlling the world, technology, and health care. The negative view is the world creates fack needs adn makes people more rebates and it changes the values by fack valuse, power concentrate, richest and poorest, fack goal and less humanity.
Imagine a world that provides healthy and fulfilling lives a decent income and access to knowledge and skills.
our life story by alan watkins
1-physical awareness

As we all grow up, there’s a moment in our life that is a really beautiful moment if you witness it where you can see, about one-year-old it might happen a bit sooner, a bit later, but roughly about one year old where a child realizes they exist as a physical entity. It’s that moment where they look in the mirror and they kind of go, “Oh, that’s me!” They move their hand and that hand moves, and they realize that that’s them. So they have a physical awareness if you will.

2-emotional awareness

they haven’t yet developed an awareness of their emotional self, which is why you get the terrible twos. So when a two-year-old is hungry, the world is hungry and why aren’t we eating?

So there’s that kind of intensity, that egocentricity in a two-year-old. That’s where they kind of get to test the power.

So in the supermarket, it’s “Mom, mom, that that, me, me, food, food, me, me, me, food,” and they kind of bother you to a great extent. And then again, it’s witness table this moment where they suddenly realize that not only are they physically separate from you, but their emotions are not your emotions. You may have witnessed this with a child walking down the aisle in the supermarket, eyes, streaming red, bawling in frustration and rage that they can’t get what they want, and then looking at you completely baffled, like: “Why aren’t you crying?”

“We’re hungry; we want those chocolates.” There’s that bafflement in their eyes, that sort of thousand-yard stare. And that’s the emergence of the awareness of the emotional self, separate from the parent or the caregiver.

3-conceptual self

So that’s a sort of second level up, but it’s not until they get to three to six years old that they get into the “conceptual self,” and part of that emergence is a sense of identity. So it’s what you would know as consciousness, are they start to become aware not only that they’re physically, emotionally separate, but they’ve got an identity. And it blossoms between three and six years old. One of the things that happen in the emergence of the conceptual self is language. So language is essentially a concept: it’s a noise to represent something. So the emergence of conceptual self happens, and we start to label our universe – you know, cat, dog, bat, ball, window, floor, and so on. So the world starts to make sense and we start to be able to navigate. Children between the age of three and six learn about six new words every single day. There’s phenomenal language acquisition going on. But only from the fourth level, which is called concrete consciousness, do they start to learn the rules that govern the concepts. Then it all starts to make sense: why are a dog and a cat? Why are a mummy and daddy a daddy?

4-concrete consciousness

What’s the rule?

It’s in that between six and nine years’ old that the fun starts to happen. So if you speak to a seven-year-old, you can start to have fun by playing against the rules you know, look at that cat going woof-woof? No! Cats go meow! They don’t go woof-woof. And it makes them laugh because you’re playing against the rules. There’s this whole rule emergence that occurs in a child between six and nine. And then that’s where most people stay …

5- follow the rules

Most of the people you’re going to meet, 20, 30, 40, on the inside: nine! See it in accompanies all the time: toys out of the pram, behaving like children. It’s very common. There is an attempt, usually in the early teenage years, to get beyond that concrete self, to get beyond the rules, which is why you get teenage conflict. You’ll see it, and parents try to suppress this like it’s a bad thing.

It’s a developmental stage! You shouldn’t be suppressing this stuff; they’re testing the rules. So this battle ensues: you told me to be home at ten, I want to be home at 11.

You told me to be honest; you’re not being honest, and the fight breaks out. And they have their whole turbulent teenage years.  Regardless of who wins that battle, whether it’s mom or dad or the child, it bubbles along for a few years.

Now eventually, regardless of who wins the battle, they leave home, they go! Right?

But then a much bigger parent called society comes in and imposes its rules.

So a lot of people go back into the concrete, not like transferred but back in the concrete following a set of rules, that we start to believe that we’ve got to get a degree, we’ve got to get a job, a relationship, a car, a house, we’ve got to get all these things to be a good corporate citizen. So we start to follow the rules, and we enter a company, and we start to work our way up the career ladder, following the rules. So a lot of people you’ll encounter are back in that concrete, and their life becomes stereotypical. You’ll see people talk about this: “That’s not how we do things at this company. You’ll be the Chief Executive; I’ll be the Chief Financial Officer. That’s how we do it around here.” It’s a set of rules that we’re all following, and we’re often not even aware of those rules. And that will often happen for the rest of your life; you don’t even realize you’re running the rules. By the way, these rules weren’t given to you with your permission; they were just imposed by parents or society. We’re not even aware of it.

6- the main question

If you’re lucky, you have a crisis. At some point in your life, something terrible happens to get you to question the rules. Now, for most people, this never happens or if it does, it doesn’t cause them to question. That might be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, or something terrible that happens, usually, most commonly, in midlife. Then you enter the stage of what we call “the disease of meaning,” is it starts to occur to you there’s something wrong with the picture of your life. I’ve been following all these rules, and it hasn’t been delivered. I thought if I was a good corporate citizen, and I got a good job, and a good house, and paid tax and all of that stuff, I would be happy and blissful forever; and I’m not. That’s the disease of meaning, and that is a real pain. If that happens in a religious context, people call it purgatory. I mean, literally, it’s hell on earth. So people get into this state and often they lash out, they become unpleasant and negative, and so on, because they’re basically in pain. Now there are two strategies for that pain.

First strategy: anesthetic

Because if I can blot out the meaning of life, that kind of existential question – if I’m wasted on a Friday night, I don’t have to think about what’s the meaning of all this. It just goes away as a question. So then some people do it every night, some people every weekend, getting wasted, either through alcohol or drugs.

But the problem is when the hangover wears off, the question returns; it’s still there. You can’t answer it. If you’re smart, you realize anesthetics won’t help you. So you get into the second strategy, which is a distraction. There are lots of different types of distractions. That distraction can simply be that you become a gym bunny. Let’s pump some iron. Because when I’m feeling the burn, I don’t have to think about the question. So I become “the body beautiful,” stuck at the gym the whole time, getting the kick on the endorphins, and so on. But you realize that, actually, when you get away from the gym, the question is there again. So the gym doesn’t solve it. So you might use a very common strategy: sex …

Right? Because while I am engaged in the intimacy of the sexual union, I don’t have to think about the question, because I’m too busy doing this. But you may have noticed that when the act is over, that bloody question comes back again. So some people go even more nuts: I’ll have sex with two people, then a whole crowd – desperately trying to get away from this question that’s bothering them: the meaning of their life. So if sex doesn’t work – and it doesn’t, ultimately – then you get into materialism: shoes! I’ll go and buy some shoes. Or a car, or a house, or a yacht. So we get into materialism, or some people that we see, very common in the industry, workaholics they become work-addicted. Because while I am working that hard, having to do stuff, I don’t have to think about the question. None of that solves the problem. Because we mistakenly believe that the problem is out there and the solution is out there, whereas the real problem is in here. You cannot solve your sense of emptiness, or your unrest, with an external solution outside of yourself. So stop looking out there, you have to look in here.

our place in the world.
what is life?
how to control the world?
personal dream.
robot or human.
technology and al.
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